Thank You, Funeral Homes

September 2, 2020

A Heartfelt Thank You to Funeral Homes 

Your Hard Work Is Making a Difference

At National Mortuary Shipping, we feel this thank you is far overdue. Funeral homes around the country have persevered throughout the COVID-19 crisis, continuing to provide the best possible service to families during the most challenging and unpredictable times. All of you— funeral home directors, embalmers, morticians, and operations managers—deserve to be acknowledged for your unsung efforts.

We know it is easy to feel unappreciated and undervalued, but we want you to know that we see you. We see the relentless energy and commitment that you bring to your job every single day, and we understand the toll that it takes. You are truly the last responders of the COVID-19 pandemic, and your hard work is making a difference.

In case you ever forget, here are a few reminders of why you are so special.

You are willing to adapt.

Like so much else during this pandemic, funerals—truly every detail—have changed. The goal of helping a family grieve, celebrate, and come together to remember their loved one has not. Your willingness to adapt makes that possible for families, despite so many current obstacles and restrictions.

You bring peace and comfort to those who need it most.

The families you serve are hurting. Not only have they lost a loved one, but the celebration of their loved one’s life may look different from what they imagined or what their loved one had wanted. You provide comfort to them in a scary, frustrating time, and help them hold a service that brings them peace. You are a source of strength for the families you serve.

You face challenges with optimism and grace.

This pandemic is not over, however, you have already learned so much in the past few months. Take those experiences with you into the future. Your continued optimism and grace are so important. No matter how tired you are, remember you are doing an exceptional job.

From all of us at National Mortuary Shipping & Cremation, thank you. We are here to offer any additional support that we can. In the meantime, keep up the incredible work.